We at Obituary Ads, understand the Pain & Grief you are going through, after losing your loved one. So we complete the process of ad publish without bothering you much, you have to just call us, and provide few Important ad contents like Deceased Name, Date of death, Name of relatives if wish to Publish, any Quote if required, etc, rest all we will take care. We offer simple & hassle-free services with Instant confirmation of Ad booking.
Death Announcement Ad : Obituary Ads – You need this ad to make a death announcement. That’s simple and straight.
The OBITUARY advertisement can be published in 2 types listed below, One can choose the ad type as per their choice, Budget, etc. The Classified ad is cheaper as compared to Display advertisement. But Display advertisement has better visibility, where are classified ad will appear on the specific classified section. One can publish the Sad Demise ad in Black & White / Color.
Yes, you can book online. It is advisable to contact our customer care executives, so they can guide you properly to release Obituary ads in Death Announcement Ads In Newspaper.
We need at least two days in advance with proper Ad content to release Obituary ads in Death Announcement Ads In Newspaper.
We have a dedicated payment gateway available on our website, so you can pay online. You can also pay by direct depositing cash/NEFT in our SBI, ICICI, PNB, HDFC & respective banks.
Newspapers are easily available near any newspaper stalls. We will mail you a soft copy by email to your address.
If you did not find the answer you need, feel free to call us anytime at +91 9821254000 / 67704000 or email us at obituaryads@gmail.com. You can also send us a call-back request available on every page.
We have a dedicated team to book obituary ads in The Times of India, taking care of all advertisement artwork and providing the best guidance for releasing obituary ads.
We provide clear confirmation about the scheduled advertisement in advance. If the deadline has passed for the publishing date, we inform our customers in advance. Thus, this situation usually does not occur.
You can book Classified Lineage, Display Classifieds, and Quarter page ads on the obituary page.
We require just a scanned copy of the death certificate or a doctor's letter. Email us at obituaryads@gmail.com.
The process is very simple: Just email us the details about the deceased person, photo, and the advertisement content to be published for obituary ads in Death Announcement Ads In Newspaper.
If you are residing outside India and have NRI status, you can send the death certificate of the deceased person from the respective country and advertisement content via email. We will guide you through the booking and payment process online for releasing ads in Death Announcement Ads In Newspaper.