We at Obituary Ads, understand the Pain & Grief you are going through, after losing your loved one. So we complete the process of ad publish without bothering you much, you have to just call us, and provide few Important ad contents like Deceased Name, Date of death, Name of relatives if wish to Publish, any Quote if required, etc, rest all we will take care. We offer simple & hassle-free services with Instant confirmation of Ad booking.
The OBITUARY advertisement can be published in 2 types listed below, One can choose the ad type as per their choice, Budget, etc. The Classified ad is cheaper as compared to Display advertisement. But Display advertisement has better visibility, where are classified ad will appear on the specific classified section. One can publish the Sad Demise ad in Black & White / Color.
Rates for Obituary Advertisement w.e.f. 1st Nov, 2020
All The Ad Rates are in per Sq Cm.
Edition | Min Size | B&W/Color Ad Rates (Rs.) | |||||||||
Lucknow | 8*5 | 80 | |||||||||
Patna | 8*5 | 80 | |||||||||
Ranchi | 8*5 | 65 | |||||||||
Mumbai | 8*5 | 150 | |||||||||
Chandigarh | 8*5 | 300 | |||||||||
Bhopal | 8*5 | 80 | |||||||||
Indore | 8*5 | 100 | |||||||||
Kolkata | 8*5 | 70 | |||||||||
Delhi | 8*5 | 725 | |||||||||
Note:The above tariff may have changed. Please call us and confirm the rates before proceeding. |