
Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates

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Book Obituary Ads

Book Your Obituary Advertisement Online in Any Newspaper, Quickly and Easily

“Birth & Death is not in our hands, but expressing our feelings definitely is”

We at Obituary Ads, understand the Pain & Grief you are going through, after losing your loved one. So we complete the process of ad publish without bothering you much, you have to just call us, and provide few Important ad contents like Deceased Name, Date of death, Name of relatives if wish to Publish, any Quote if required, etc, rest all we will take care. We offer simple & hassle-free services with Instant confirmation of Ad booking.

Now Book Obituary Ads in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates Newspaper at Lowest Ad Rates

The OBITUARY advertisement can be published in 2 types listed below, One can choose the ad type as per their choice, Budget, etc. The Classified ad is cheaper as compared to Display advertisement. But Display advertisement has better visibility, where are classified ad will appear on the specific classified section. One can publish the Sad Demise ad in Black & White / Color.

Types Of Obituary Ads

Death Anniversary Ads

book Obituary Ads in newspaper

Remembrance Ads

book Obituary Ads in newspaper

Death Announcement

book Obituary Ads in newspaper

Shok Sandesh

book Obituary Ads in newspaper

Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rate Card

Rates for Obituary Advertisement w.e.f. 1st Nov, 2020

All The Ad Rates are in per Sq Cm.

Edition Min Size B&W/Color Ad Rates (Rs.)
Lucknow 8*5 80
Patna 8*5 80
Ranchi 8*5 65
Mumbai 8*5 150
Chandigarh 8*5 300
Bhopal 8*5 80
Indore 8*5 100
Kolkata 8*5 70
Delhi 8*5 725
Note:The above tariff may have changed. Please call us and confirm the rates before proceeding.

Frequently asked Question

Q : Can we book online Obituary Advertisement in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates ?

Yes, you can book online. It is advisable you to contact once our customer care executives, so they can guide you properly to release Obituary ads in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates Newspaper.

Q : How long it takes to advertise Obituary ad in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates Newspaper. ?

We need atleast Two days in advance with proper Ad content to release Obituary ads in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates Newspaper

Q : How will I make payment for Obituary ads to release in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates ?

We have dedicated payment gateway which is there on our website, so you can pay online. also you can pay by direct depositing cash / NEFT in our SBI, ICICI, PNB, HDFC & Respective Banks.

Q : How can i get newspaper copies of my Obituary advertisement released in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates Newspaper?

Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates is easily available near any of yours newspaper stalls, we will mail you soft copy by email on ur address.

Q : If I have more questions about publishing Obituary advertising in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates where should I contact? ?

If you not get the question which you need free to call us any time on +91 9821254000 / 67704000 or E-mail us on obituaryads@gmail.com or u can send us call back request. Which is available on our every page.

Q : Why should I book Obituary ads in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates through obituryads.com? ?

Dear sir / Mam, we have dedicated team to book obituary ads in Times of india, who is taking care of all kind of advertisement artwork and giving best guidance for releasing obituary ads

Q : What is the procedure, If my ad didn’t get publish on given date in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates ?

We give clear confirmation about the scheduled advertisement in advance. if the deadline has gone for publishing date.. we intimate in advance to our customers. so this kind of situation usually dont occurs.

Q : What types of ad I can book in Obituary ad section?

Classified Lineage, Display Classifieds and Quarter page on obituary Page.

Q : Which documents are required to publish obituary ads in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates Newspaper? ?

We need just a scan copy of Death certificate or Dr Letter. Email us on obituaryads@gmail.com

Q : What is the procedure to book Obituary ad in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates?

Its very simple, just email us the detail about deceased person, Photo and the advertisement content to be published for obituary ads in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates.

Q : Can I publish obituary ad from any other country to Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates ?

If you are residing out of india, and having NRI Status, requesting you to send vie email death certificate of deceased person of respective country and advertisement content . Rest we can guide you how to process further to release ads in Hindustan Times Obituary Ad Rates. We will guide you the booking procedure and payment procedure online

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Email us on : obituaryads@gmail.com

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